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- Create Date 09/07/2024
- Last Updated 15/07/2024
OECD Employment Outlook 2024
The OECD Employment Outlook provides an annual assessment of key labour market developments and prospects in OECD member countries. Each edition also includes several chapters that focus on specific aspects of the functioning of labour markets and the implications for policies to promote more and better jobs. The 2024 edition of the OECD Employment Outlook examines the characteristics of the jobs that are likely to thrive because of the net-zero transition, including their attractiveness in terms of job quality, and compares them with jobs in high-emission industries that tend to shrink. The cost of job displacement in these latter industries is assessed along with the trajectories of workers from these industries to new opportunities, and the labour market policies that can facilitate job reallocation. The distributive impact of climate change mitigation policies is also examined. The first chapter assesses recent labour market developments, but also provides an update of the OECD Job Quality indicators.
The OECD Employment Outlook 2024 is the joint work of staff of the Directorate for Employment, Labour and Social Affairs (ELS). The staff of the Centre for Tax Policy and Administration contributed extensively to the preparation of Chapter 5. The Outlook as a whole has also greatly benefitted from comments from other OECD Directorates and contributions from national government delegates and national institutions. However, the Outlook’s assessment of the labour market prospects for each country does not necessarily correspond to those made by the national authorities and institutions concerned.