1. Introduction
Climate change refers to huge, long-lasting changes in how the weather works and global warming is one of the biggest parts. The consequences of climate change are becoming increasingly apparent. Finding sustainable solutions is vital. Reducing carbon emissions is critical to any climate action plan. In December 2023, COP 28 in Dubai agreed on phasing out fossil fuels. However, it did not set a specific target to eliminate this non-renewable energy source. Besides, many countries are still not oriented to achieving the goal of temperature increase to about 1.5oC. And, the consequences of climate change are devasting the world, threatening human life. Therefore, finding solutions to fight climate change is urgent. To achieve this goal, the key issue is energy transition.
2. Energy transition
2.1. Energy transition
Energy transition is widely known in Europe and North America, but the concept is still a relatively new issue in Asia. Energy transition refers not only to environmental impacts but also to economic and social changes necessary to promote energy transition on a global scale requirements, to effectively implement the goals set out in the Paris Agreement on climate change [1].
The majority of nations worldwide committed to taking action to address climate change as part of the 2016 Paris Agreement. Since then, Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) member nations have declared several national strategies for the energy transition that emphasize increasing the production of renewable energy and lowering demand by consuming it more efficiently.
Energy transition includes five main trends: (1) Saving energy, (2) Renewable energy development, (3) Electrification, (4) CCS/CCUS, and (5) Hydrogen development [2].
2.2. Saving energy
Energy efficiency is sometimes referred to be the “first fuel” in the transition to clean energy since it offers some of the quickest and most affordable CO2 mitigation solutions while cutting energy costs and enhancing energy security. The quantity of energy needed to create one unit of GDP, a crucial indicator of the economy’s energy efficiency, is shaped by efficiency, electrification, behavioral change, and digitalization when taken together. The single most effective way to reduce energy consumption in the Net Zero emission by 2050 Scenario is to increase energy efficiency.
The notion of energy efficiency includes both electrification and the application of technology that lowers overall energy usage. For instance, compared to the most recent models of oil or gas heaters, electric heat pumps may heat homes with up to five times less primary energy. Additionally, electric heaters are more environmentally friendly than their oil or gas equivalents (especially when utilizing energy generated responsibly). Customers who choose more energy-efficient electrical heating systems may reduce their heating costs, create fewer emissions as a result, and conserve energy overall.
EU has been doing a very good job of saving energy. The evidence is that in the first quarter of 2024, they spent €95.5 billion on imports, equivalent to 183.8 million tons of energy products, a decrease of 26.4% in import value and 10.4% in mass compared to the same period in 2023 [3]. Substitution of low- and zero-carbon electricity for fossil fuels will greatly increase the EU’s energy security and result in cost savings for consumers. Along with improving Europe’s trade balance, lowering energy imports would help ease geopolitical tensions and price volatility.
Buildings, transportation, energy generation, and distribution, among other things, may all use efficient energy. Energy efficiency is an important part of transitioning to sustainable energy sources and reducing emissions.
2.3. Renewable energy
The key to solving the climate catastrophe is switching from fossil fuels, which now produce the majority of emissions, to renewable energy. In most nations, renewable energies are now more affordable and provide three times as much employment as fossil fuels [4].
These renewable energy sources offer several advantages in the energy transition:
– Carbon emissions reduction: renewable energy sources produce little to no greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions during operation, helping to mitigate climate change and reduce air pollution.
– Energy security: renewables diversify the energy mix, reducing dependence on fossil fuel imports and enhancing energy security.
– Resource availability: renewable energy sources are abundant and widely available in different regions, reducing the risk of resource depletion.
– Job creation and economic growth: the renewable energy sector creates jobs and stimulates economic activity, contributing to sustainable development and local economies.
– Technological advancements: continued research and development in renewable energy technologies lead to efficiency improvements, cost reductions, and innovation.
2.4. Electrification
Electrification is the process of replacing counterparts that utilize fossil fuels, such as internal combustion engines and gas boilers by electrically powered products, such as electric automobiles or heat pumps.
Electrification is an essential option to achieve net zero goals since it has a considerable potential to reduce emissions and decarbonize energy supply chains. In the Net Zero Emissions by 2050 (NZE) Scenario, the proportion of electricity in total final energy consumption rises from 20% in 2022 to over 27% in 2030 as more energy end uses electricity.
Electrification offers several advantages, including reduced reliance on fossil fuels, lower greenhouse gas emissions, improved energy efficiency, and increased access to modern energy services. It plays a crucial role in promoting sustainability, mitigating climate change, and improving the quality of life for individuals and communities.
The term “electrification” can encompass several different areas:
– Transportation electrification: This refers to the shift from vehicles powered by internal combustion engines (ICE) to electric vehicles (EVs). It involves the use of electricity, typically stored in batteries, to power the vehicle’s motor. Electric cars, buses, trains, and bicycles are examples of transportation electrification [5].
– Rural electrification: Many remote or rural areas around the world lack access to electricity. Rural electrification aims to extend electrical power infrastructure to these areas, providing electricity for lighting, appliances, communication, and other essential services [6].
– Industrial electrification: This involves the adoption of electrical power in industrial processes and manufacturing. It may include using electric motors and machinery instead of fossil fuel-powered alternatives, resulting in more efficient and environmentally friendly operations.
– Grid electrification: Grid electrification refers to the expansion and improvement of electrical power grids to accommodate increased demand and provide reliable electricity supply. It involves the construction of transmission and distribution networks, power generation, and control systems to deliver electricity to consumers.
The technique of absorbing carbon dioxide produced during the production of electricity and other industrial activities and storing it so that it is not released into the environment is known as carbon capture and sequestration (CCS).
The use of CCS technology has the potential to significantly lower CO2 emissions from energy systems. Facilities using CCS can virtually completely collect the CO2 they create [7].
CCS is defined as the long-term, terminal sequestration of carbon dioxide in the subsurface by carbonate mineralization or CO2 dissolution and dispersion in deep aquifers that are not in contact with the atmosphere. The injected CO2 is afterward disposed of since it is no longer useful as a resource. Technical requirements for subsurface sequestration include sufficient porosity and permeability to allow storage and injectivity, sufficient depth (minimum 800 m) to maintain CO2 in a supercritical state, and the existence of seals to prevent leakage back to the surface [7].
Contrarily, in CCUS, CO2 is usually captured from large point sources, such as industrial sites or power plants that burn either fossil fuels or biomass as fuel. If not utilized immediately, the CO2 is compressed and either injected into deep geological formations like depleted oil and gas reservoirs or salty aquifers, or it is transported by pipeline, ship, rail, or truck for use in a variety of applications.
In conclusion, CCS and CCUS are both advancing quickly and provide limitless chances for creating sustainable solutions that incorporate cutting-edge technology and different ways of managing our energy demands.
2.6. Hydrogen
Hydrogen is a secondary energy source, meaning it is not available for direct exploitation but must be generated from an initial primary source such as water or other hydrocarbon compounds. Hydrogen is a clean, non-toxic energy source with a high specific energy on a mass basis. There are numerous methods for hydrogen production, such as steam reforming of hydrocarbons, gasification or pyrolysis of biomass, electrolysis of water, thermochemical or photochemical decomposition of water, and organic production from algae or bacteria.
According to the International Energy Agency (IEA), to develop H2 energy, it is necessary to implement four immediate solutions simultaneously, including:
– Encourage and create pioneering industries and industrial parks in converting to H2 energy use.
– Convert and build infrastructure for more competitive storage, transportation, and distribution of H2 fuel.
– Implement H2 supply, transportation, and international trade projects.
– Strengthen international cooperation, sharing knowledge, experience, and best practices to disseminate, standardize and promote commercialization.
3. Energy transition policies
Communities, businesses, and ecosystems all around the world are suffering from climate change, which is being caused by the burning of coal, oil, and gas. The choice of policies of European countries and the USA is because they are the pioneers in energy transition as well as having the leading policies. In addition, the choice of policies of Asian countries is because Vietnam is one of the Asian countries and the similarities in culture and climate among countries in the region.
3.1. Energy transition policies in the world
EU has committed to a clean energy transition that will help achieve the climate change goals of the Paris Agreement and offer clean energy to everyone. To fulfill this commitment, EU has established legally binding climate and energy targets for 2050, including a minimum 40% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions, a minimum 32.5% increase in energy efficiency, a minimum 32% increase in the share of renewable energy in EU energy use, and a minimum 15% interconnection level of electricity between neighboring Member States. Each Member State must create a 10-year National Energy and Climate Plan to meet the EU targets.
- Poland
The Polish draft integrated National Energy and Climate Plan (NECP) is well developed and, depending on an integrated evaluation, provides a fair picture of the five aspects of the Energy Union. It describes the anticipated changes to the energy industry in 2030 and predicts that energy consumption will be higher than it was in 2005. In the 10 years covered by the plan, it is anticipated that investments in renewable energy would move more quickly, and domestic gas and coal output and imports of power would continue [8].
Polish plan contains a comprehensive analytical basis which shows that additional measures are required to achieve Poland’s 2030: -7% greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions target compared to 2005, mostly in the transport sector, while scarce information is provided on GHG emissions reduction measures in the building and agriculture sectors.
Their main policies till 2040 are:
– Optimal use of own energy resources.
– Expansion of electricity generation and grid infrastructure.
– Diversification of supply and development of network infrastructure for natural gas, crude oil, and liquid fuels.
- Denmark
Denmark has been a leader in carrying out laws to cut greenhouse gas, and the country currently intends to become carbon neutral by the year 2050. By 2019, the country had successfully reduced GHG by 36% compared to 1990 [9].
Denmark has been a pioneer in environmental taxation and first implemented carbon pricing in 1992. As the basis of its decarbonization policy, the administration aims to maintain carbon pricing.
Right from the first days, President Biden and Vice President Harris have worked to address issues such as environmental inequality, hazardous pollution, underfunding of essential services and infrastructure, and unequal effects of climate change on many areas around the country. For the first time, the Administration has mobilized the entire federal government to advance environmental justice and has elevated the voices, perspectives, and lived experiences of environmental justice communities to inform the White House’s priorities, policies, investments, and decision-making [10].
– In the power sector: launched offshore wind industry, fast-tracked clean energy projects to bring jobs and savings to communities, and invested in rural electric infrastructure.
– In the industry sector: advanced clean domestic manufacture, launched the phasedown of super-polluting hydrofluorocarbons, expanded partnerships to reduce industrial emissions.
- China
Over the past decade, China has made significant achievements in the energy transition process. A widespread and comprehensive decarbonization effort is already underway in this country. From a country accounting for 1/3 of the world’s CO2 emissions in 2023, by 2050, this country of billions of people will have solutions to reduce that ratio to 1/5. China’s emissions dropped by a staggering 70% thanks largely to the conversion of coal with renewables and electrification [11]. Energy autonomy is a fundamental factor in China’s energy, but it has not yet been fully achieved. Oil and gas will continue to depend on imports for petrochemicals, heavy transport, power generation, and building.
China will reach peak energy consumption in 2030 and this will decrease by 20% by 2050 thanks to energy efficiency and electrification strategies.
China has led the way in renewable energy investment worldwide and is expected to ramp up this strategy to five times its current level by 2050.
Emissions in China are expected to peak in 2026, after which it will decline by 30% in 2040.
- Japan
Japan relies almost entirely on imports to meet its petroleum, coal, and natural gas needs and, at the same time, looks to nuclear power to enhance its energy security although this option is currently controversial and the future of the nuclear energy industry in many countries is facing uncertainty.
As a result of the declaration of an oil embargo by the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) in 1973, the Japanese Government began to increase investment in nuclear energy to provide additional security solutions. Japan has also vigorously promoted energy dialogue and renewable energy development since the 1970s. As of the early 1990s, Japan led the world in the number of installed photovoltaic cells. After the 2000s, instead of continuing to develop renewable energy, the Japanese government set out ambitious plans to increase nuclear energy production capacity by 35%. This is the main factor behind the Government’s commitment in 2010 to reduce CO2 emissions by 25% compared to 1990 by 2020 [12].
To implement green energy initiatives, it is expected that shortly, Japan will make renewable energy the main source of electricity by:
– Expand the installation of solar panels in public buildings, houses, factories/warehouses, airports, railways, …
– Expanding the scale of offshore wind power (building floating wind power at sea).
– Promote geothermal, hydroelectric, and biomass energy production (consider regulations and systems, …).
– Introduce and expand FIP.
– Promote the use of battery storage.
– Develop a nationwide transmission system and undersea DC power transmission.
– Maintain and expand pumped storage hydropower.
– Research, develop and commercialize excess electricity storage in hydrogen.
From the above countries, some appropriate policies will be learned for Vietnam based on the climate and economic situation.
From Poland’s policy, we focus on building and improving green projects and agricultural projects to reduce the greenhouse effect as well as increase the clean air for the country. Moreover, renewable energy is also being used more widely and frequently to play an essential role in the country’s energy industry. At the same time, improve the infrastructure to develop more forms of renewable energy.
With Danish policies, we should consider imposing domestic environmental taxes and carbon taxes on import and export industries. At the same time, lowering tax rates for renewable energy and clean energy in daily consumption and production should be considered.
As for China, Vietnam’s neighbor, it has the same energy industry as Vietnam. Continuing to focus on hydropower exploitation as a renewable energy is inevitable. Equally important is that Vietnam is also fully capable of applying energy saving and electrification strategies.
Last but not least, for Japan, the most important lesson is not to focus too much on any one form of energy, especially form that is harmful to human health such as nuclear energy. It is necessary to diversify forms of renewable energy, especially safe and popular types such as solar or wind energy.
3.2. Energy in Vietnam
3.2.1. Energy situation in Vietnam
In Vietnam, economic development and CO2 emissions of fuels in Vietnam have changed markedly in each period. Specifically, in the period 1990-2020, fossil energy plays a role in ensuring energy security for economic development. In particular, in 1990, coal and oil accounted for 95% (20 million tons of CO2 eq) of the total emissions of all fuels. In 2020, coal and oil will only account for 73% but have increased more than 9 times (185 million tons of CO2 eq) [13].
In 2021, Vietnam ranked 61/115 countries in terms of readiness for transition. Despite this, Vietnam is still one of the first countries to submit an update of the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) in 2020. Total emissions under the 2030 Scenarios: Under the Scenario Normal Development Edition (BAU): 928 million tons of CO2 eq (Energy accounted for 678) [13].
Moreover, Vietnam has set a target under the Paris Agreement on climate change to reduce GHG by 8% in the period 2021-2030 compared to 2010 according to the normal development trend. Under the normal scenario used to develop this target, GHG in Vietnam will increase from 246.8 million tons of CO2 to nearly double by 2020 and more than triple by the end of 2020 to 2030. The Vietnamese government says that with international support, the country can raise its target to reduce GHG by up to 25%.
In short, Vietnam will learn and follow the policy of European countries on developing new forms of renewable energy as well as taxing coal and petroleum energy. At the same time, we also follow China’s example in gradually reducing the use of coal and petroleum energy.
3.2.2. Analyze Vietnam’s strengths and weaknesses
In Vietnam every year, it receives a large amount of radiation from the sun, creating a large heat background for our country, especially in the southern provinces, which are close to the equator. The average annual temperature across the country is from 22oC- 27oC, which is within the standard framework of a tropical climate, or even higher. The total number of hours of sunshine depends on each locality with different terrain, but on average is about 3,000 hours per year. Some places are sunny all year round, but many other places have more consistent sunshine hours. The above conditions are suitable for our country to develop the solar energy industry, even as one of the potential countries in the region.
With a coastline of more than 3,000 km and located in the tropical monsoon climate, Vietnam is said to have great wind potential. World Bank research indicates that Vietnam has the largest wind potential of the four countries in the region: more than 39% of Vietnam’s total area is estimated to have higher average annual wind speeds 6 m/s at an altitude of 65 m, equivalent to a total capacity of 512 GW. In particular, more than 8% of Vietnam’s area is ranked as having very good wind potential, especially in the central provinces. The Central region has the largest wind potential with 880 MW, concentrated mainly in two provinces of Quang Binh and Binh Dinh, followed by the South with two provinces of Ninh Thuan and Binh Thuan [14].
Vietnam’s territory is located in the tropical region, with a high average annual rainfall, of about 1,800 – 2,000 mm. With the terrain of the North and the Western border being high and mountainous, and the East having a coastline of over 3,000 km long, our country has a quite dense river system, with more than 3,450 systems. And with such favorable natural conditions, our country’s hydroelectric potential is relatively large.
In addition, geothermal is a source of heat energy available underground. More specifically, this heat energy source is concentrated a few kilometers below the Earth’s surface, the top part of the Earth’s crust. Along with the increase in temperature when going deep into the Earth’s crust, this continuous source of heat from the ground is estimated to be equivalent to an energy range of 42 million MW. The ground will continue to heat for billions of years, ensuring an almost endless source of heat energy. This heat source is transferred to the ground in the form of steam or hot water as the water flows through hot rock. Heat is often used directly, for example in air conditioning systems (geothermal pumps), or converted into electricity (thermal power plants). Geothermal is a clean and sustainable form of energy. Compared to other forms of renewable energy such as wind, hydropower, or solar power, geothermal is not dependent on weather and climate factors. Therefore, geothermal also has a very high capacity factor, geothermal sources are always available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
However, Vietnam and other countries in the world are all affected by climate change. Climate change has an increasingly clear impact on human life, the economy, and society. In recent years, extreme weather and climate phenomena, including storms, floods, and prolonged and frequent droughts, have caused great damage to resources, economy, and social development. With the current climate change situation, if we do not drastically implement solutions to respond to climate change, the damage to the economy by 2050 worldwide due to climate change will be 7,900 million USD and 3% of global GDP. Climate change in Vietnam will further increase energy dependence. Especially the instability of traditional energy supplies will have a major impact on ensuring the country’s energy security. On the contrary, the use of traditional energy sources is the main cause of the greenhouse gas effect. Therefore, research on energy transition and the development of renewable energy forms is extremely important.
4. Policy recommendations for Vietnam
Based on the results achieved from the National Strategy on Green Growth for the period 2011-2020 and the vision to 2050 (Strategy 2011-2020), the proposed strategy needs to follow the main contents of economic growth. Green growth in the industry and trade sector mainly focuses on tasks:
– The proportion of renewable energy sources in the total primary energy supply will reach about 15 – 20 % by 2030; and 25 – 30 % by 2045.
– Reduce GHG emissions from energy activities compared to the normal development scenario by 15 % by 2030, to 20 % by 2045, and with international support, strive to achieve higher goals, aiming to be carbon neutral.
– Promote sustainable development in both production and consumption in industry and commerce.
Strategic proposals will be made on five main pillars of the energy transition.
4.1. Energy efficiency
As in European countries, governments can establish regulations and energy efficiency standards for industries, buildings, and equipment. This could include setting energy savings targets for key industries and setting energy efficiency standards for products and equipment.
In addition, it is extremely necessary to provide lists and roadmaps for the use of equipment that is harmful to the environment. Currently, Decision 14/2023/QD-TTg has re-regulated the production standards of several items such as compact fluorescent light bulbs, ballasts as well as many other industrial equipment to save energy use.
Incentives and financial support: The government can provide incentives and financial support to promote energy efficiency. This could include providing grants, tax incentives, and preferential interest rates for energy efficiency projects. The introduction of the FIT price mechanism is a way to promote, as well as an incentive for, private investors.
Education and awareness: Governments can invest in education and awareness programs about energy efficiency. This can include educating all walks of life about the benefits of energy conservation and providing guidance on how to use energy efficiently in everyday life.
International cooperation: Vietnam can cooperate with other countries and international organizations to share experience, technology, and finance in the field of energy efficiency. This could include participating in international energy forums and collaborating with organizations such as the United Nations and the World Bank. Most recently, the JETP Declaration is a joint effort of Vietnam and G7. Through JETP, Vietnam hopes to create a framework for cooperation with international partners that will help Vietnam improve policies, transfer technology, and provide financial support for a fair energy transition; attract investment for renewable energy development, improve energy efficiency, and upgrade power grid infrastructure.
4.2. Renewable energy
For the Renewable Energy sector, the policy that is still being applied and enhanced is the FIT price mechanism. This is a price subsidy policy to attract many investors as well as subsidize prices for consumers.
With attractive orientations and price mechanisms (FIT price mechanism with electricity purchase price of 8.38-9.35 cents/kWh), in recent times, Vietnam has witnessed rapid growth in wind and solar power.
In addition, learning from China in converting coal-using industries into more environmentally friendly forms of coal energy such as biomass, hydropower, etc. In addition, China’s subsidy policy is a Good lesson to follow. China provides tax subsidies for electric transportation programs, supporting people’s access to environmentally friendly personal and public transportation.
4.3. Electrification
The Vietnamese government has developed a long-term strategy to promote electrification in the country. This strategy includes investing in gas power infrastructure, enhancing the development of gas power sources, and building new gas power projects. In particular, investing in power networks is extremely urgent, when we do not have a suitable way and place to store electricity to bring electricity to everyone.
Encourage the use of gas and electricity in production and operations: the government offers policies to encourage businesses to use gas and electricity instead of fossil energy. This can include preferential tax policies, electricity price reductions, and financial support to invest in gas-powered technology and equipment.
Recently, Petrovietnam and units such as VPI, Vietsovpetro, PVEP, … have actively coordinated with units such as the Japan Agency for Energy and Metal Security (JOGMEC) to research CCS potential in basins oil and gas. Through the process of implementing cooperation with JOGMEC phase 1, the two sides have achieved many initial results. Currently, in Vietnam, the electricity and industry sectors emit 136 and 88 million tons/year, respectively. Which, according to research, the potential for CO2 storage in sedimentary basins is 186 million tons, enough to store CO2 emissions for 831 years. This is the basis for Petrovietnam to actively deploy CCS/CCUS projects in the future to ensure the carbon-neutral commitment in Power Plan VIII approved in 2023.
Learning from European countries such as Germany and Finland, we can introduce a mandatory policy for CCS-CCUS, which is a carbon tax.
A carbon tax has the effect of significantly reducing GHG emissions. In addition, if applied over a long period, carbon taxes can generate significant budget revenue for countries. Most East Asian countries could increase budget revenue by 0.5 – 2% of GDP in 2020 if they apply a tax of 20 USD/ton CO2. This budget revenue is especially higher in developing countries due to high emissions relative to GDP.
However, the application of carbon tax requires a roadmap and its application in Vietnam may face many difficulties and obstacles. Therefore, integrating the carbon tax into the previously applied environmental tax is an optimal policy.
4.5. Hydrogen
Vietnam is at the starting point of the first phase of the hydrogen energy industry development roadmap, so many conditions in terms of infrastructure, human resources, technology… for the development of “green hydrogen” are not yet guaranteed both in quantity and quality. Therefore, based on determining the correct starting point, it is possible to both effectively cooperate with foreign partners (advantages in human resources, capital, and technology) and quickly improve the position in the development roadmap. Developing “green hydrogen” from “follower” to “leader” is a challenging goal.
Research and technology development: The government supports research and development of advanced hydrogen technologies. This includes sponsoring research projects, encouraging cooperation between research institutions and businesses, and training high-quality human resources in the field of hydrogen technology. According to project research experts, green hydrogen production is best in favorable locations with on-site renewable electricity sources. Green hydrogen produced can be supplied directly to local industrial consumers to limit storage and transportation costs.
The South Central and Southwestern regions are considered to have the most potential to produce this type of energy because these are two regions with favorable land, water resources, and convenience when importing and exporting green hydrogen. The above two areas have great potential for solar power and wind power, especially the South Central and Southwestern provinces.
The development of green hydrogen will require a clear policy and regulatory framework with coordinated efforts between government, business, academia, and civil society to make the transition from locally sourced raw materials derived from fossil fuels.
5. Conclusions
Based on the research and analysis conducted throughout this work, it can be concluded that implementing effective policies for energy transition is crucial in addressing the global climate crisis. The main findings highlight the significant impact of energy transitions on climate change in Vietnam and worldwide.
The research presented in this thesis emphasizes the importance of transitioning to renewable energy sources, improving energy efficiency, and promoting sustainable development. These measures can contribute to substantial reductions in greenhouse gas emissions and help to mitigate the adverse effects of climate change.
Furthermore, the findings underscore the importance of international collaboration and cooperation in developing and implementing effective energy transition policies. Global efforts are essential to ensure a cohesive and coordinated approach toward achieving sustainable development goals and combating climate change.
In conclusion, this work provides a comprehensive understanding of the need for policies aimed at energy transition for Vietnam. The findings presented here emphasize the urgency of taking action to address climate change and highlight the potential benefits of implementing sustainable energy practices. These insights can help formulate and implement effective policies to accelerate energy transition and contribute to more sustainable development in the future.
Dao Thi Kim Thoa – Faculty of Chemical Engineering, Ho Chi Minh University of Technology (HCMUT); Vietnam National University – Ho Chi Minh City