Speaking at the event, MoNRE Deputy Minister Vo Tuan Nhan said that climate change is considered a serious challenge for humanity in the 21st century with negative impacts and threats to sustainable development activities.
Climate change is causing more extreme weather and climate phenomena, prolonged heat waves with greater intensity, greater rainfall and more severe droughts, he stressed.
This year, the theme “Accelerating change” of the World Water Day, “The future of weather, climate, and water across generations” of the World Meteorological Day, and “The biggest hour for earth” of the Earth Hour are closely linked with one another in aspects of environment, resources, ecology, Nhan stated, adding that weather, climate and water cycle know no borders.
The above messages emphasise that it is time for changes to ensure global goals on weather, water resources, and climate change; call on the international community to act and show their roles and responsibilities in face of impacts of natural disasters and climate change; and create a difference by changing the way water is used, exploited and managed in the daily life to minimise impacts of environmental degradation.
To spread these messages, the deputy minister proposed ministries, sectors and localities unify actions; review and perfect the law and policy system on resource management, environmental protection, and climate change response; and codify the contents of international treaties and agreements to which Vietnam is a member.
It is necessary to step up dissemination of laws related to hydro-meteorology, especially in areas vulnerable to extreme weather phenomena; manage the exploitation and effective use of water resources; and ensure water security and safety of reservoirs and dams in service of socio-economic development, he stressed.
UNDP Resident Representative in Vietnam Ramla Khalidi said that it pledges to maintain effective cooperation with the MoNRE, other ministries, sectors, local authorities, the media and development partners to boost the implementation of necessary actions, contributing to building a prosperous country in which no one is left behind.